Published date: May 26, 2024

Keith Bryant currently serves as the Chief Infrastructure Officer for Bay County, Florida, which has a population of approximately 180,000. His career in the Public Works industry began in August 1995 following three years of service in the United States Airforce. His positions over the years have included District Engineer, Engineer I, Traffic Operations Engineer, Traffic Engineering Manager, Public Works Director, and Chief Infrastructure Officer.

Listed below are just a few highlights of Keith’s job-related technical and managerial accomplishments. Details can be found in the application package.

  • Hurricane Michael Disaster Recovery
  • County Surtax Program
  • Funding, design, and construction of the Bay County Intelligent Transportation System
  • County Bridge Replacement Program
  • County Traffic Calming Program
  • Establishment of a culture of grant perspective to assist in Transportation and Stormwater funding needs

In terms of initial and lifelong education, Keith holds a B.S. in Civil Engineering, and has been registered as a Professional Engineer in the State of Florida since 1999. Please reference this section in the application for additional information.

In addition to the multiple presentations that Keith has made over the years, he has served as a voting Greenbook member and section editor for the past 14 years. Authority for the Florida Greenbook is established by Chapters 20.23(3)(a), and 336.045 Florida Statutes, and Rule 14-15.002, Florida Administrative Code. This manual is intended for all projects not on the state and national highway systems. The membership is limited to 28 engineers, four professional engineers within each of the Department of Transportation’s seven district boundaries. Keith has been extremely involved in professional associations, helping to create new platforms where different industry associations are brought together for the betterment of the industry. His involvement with the American Public Works Association, Institute of Transportation Engineers, Society of Military Engineers, the Florida Association of County Engineers and Road Superintendents, Florida Engineering Society, Intelligent Transportation Society of America, and the International Municipal Signal Association, demonstrate just this.

Keith is also very involved with his community. He played a pivotal role in the creation of the Junior Leadership Bay Program, he has worked with the Bay County School Board as an Elevate Bay Mentor and has served as the Treasurer of the Panama City Swim Team (PCST) for eight years. He is also involved with the Bay County Military Affairs Committee, the Bay County Gideon’s International Camp, the Bay County Community Traffic Safety Team, and volunteers at Bethlehem Camp as Vice President and lifeguard. Keith has been recognized with multiple awards, including the 2019 APWA Florida Public Works Roundtable – Public Works Director of the Year Award. The attached letters of support truly exhibit the ways that Keith has made a difference in the Public Works Community in which he serves. Keith embodies what a servant leader is by putting community first in times of disastrous situations where his constituents found themselves in dire need and he stepped up to the plate.

For Keith Bryant’s additional involvement, awards, please access this file: Keith Bryant APWA Top Ten Final Submission Package

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