The Florida Chapter Government Affairs Committee (FLGAC) has the responsibility of promoting APWA’s public policy priorities to the Florida Legislature, as well as local governments when applicable. The committee is tasked with identifying, tracking, and sharing of legislation being considered by the Florida Legislature with the goal of helping members stay abreast of bills that may affect their county or municipality. Likewise, the committee can advocate for local government initiatives that align with APWA’s public policy priorities. The FLGAC will also support the National Committee on their Federal legislative priorities by contacting Florida Senators and Representatives concerning specific Federal legislation and encouraging their members to do the same.

The FLGAC members will promote APWA’s strategic goal of being “the voice of public works to government leaders and media” by promoting advocacy and advocacy outreach within and through the chapter and its branches to promote public works and APWA’s public policy priorities at the local and state levels.

Provided below are links to the FLGAC Committee Reports where you can find quarterly reports, legislative updates and other information provided by the committee. In addition, we have included a link to the APWA National’s Government Affairs Committee where you can stay informed on the federal level. Lastly, we have provided links to the Florida Leagues of Cities and Florida Association of Counties who each have advocacy information that members will find useful.

Government Affairs Committee – American Public Works Association (

Florida League of Cities

Florida Association of Counties

January 17, 2023: Government Affairs Committee Report 

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